Which Way Around Do Roller Blinds Get Fitted?
Standard Roll

All of our roller blinds are manufactured with a standard roll, which provides for optimal performance. With the simple design of these fabrics hanging behind the barrel towards your window pane and coming in close proximity to it because they're designed that way on purpose so you can enjoy less noise or light seepage while also getting better insulation than other options like cords would provide but without having anything blocking any views through them at night time when there's no natural lighting available!
Reverse Roll

With a reverse roll construction, the face of roller blind fabric faces away from your window and towards its own interior. This could be an option to consider if you have any obstacles like handles blocking access or protruding nails that would otherwise prevent them from fully functioning as intended - especially since these types can still provide effective UV protection even without being clamped down tight around all sides!
Something To Consider
When you're installing your new roller blinds, make sure that the face of fabric is facing inwards towards a room. The front and back fabrics usually vary depending on what type it is--whether standard roll or reverse-roll with blackout backing for instance; so pay attention to which way round they go before hanging!